01158 The Crazy Japanese Monk
01158 The Crazy Japanese Monk
No. 01158
Category / Between Master and Disciples-story
Event date / 19920707
Place / Hsihu,Formosa
Language / Chinese
Time (mins) / 56
Publication No. / video-266
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The noble qualities such as compassion, benevolence and obedience are just a part of the world. For example, there are troubles, scary things, and scary feelings in this world. There are also other qualities that belong to this world. He said that the noble qualities are a part of the world. No matter how noble they are, they are just a part of the world. So if we don’t completely avoid the illusion, the appearance and the impression of the world, how can we quiet the argument in our mind? To quiet the inner argument, we have to abstain from everything, instead of just dropping the fearful feeling, while praising the quality of courage, or dropping the quality of stinginess, while praising the quality of compassion and sacrifice.