Only when the situation arises will we understand that animals know how to love, and that the way they love is extremely noble, sincere, and touching.
Love doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing our lives for our loved ones, but animals are often willing ..(more)
May is the best time to express our gratitude, love, and devotion to those close to us!
In the early summer of 2017, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association from aroundthe globe gathered at the ..(more)
All mothers are the best examples of the leadership. They don’t need to lead. They just let everyone be free and at ease. If leaders are as tolerant and generous as a mother or an elder brother, the citizens will respect them. Leaders don’t need to take people’s land ..(more)
When the Earth was first created, how did lives come about? According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, human beings evolved from monkeys. Is this really the origin of human beings? Why are the DNAs of humans and apes so similar?
Among ..(more)
Master shared the stories of her adopted dogs. These dogs are so loving; they have the qualities of saint. Though they are only eight months old, they are on the upper Fourth Level, close to the Fifth Level already. Heaven has given them their names. And they express ..(more)
Look more inside. Don’t look outside. Don’t look at me. Look at yourself inside. See if you are clean enough, if you’ve progressed spiritually, if your life is happier than before, or if you help anybody in any way spiritually, mentally, physically. Then you should be ..(more)
Supreme Master shared good news from Heaven: all the mechanisms that have been controlling our world are smashed. Master explain further that of course the effect won’t be instant. It takes at least two months before you can feel the effect. By then you will have ..(more)
The Moon Festival, also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is widely celebrated among Asian countries on the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar. On October 4th 2017, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously attended this year’s Moon Festival celebration in ..(more)
Our inner beauty is more important. If well cultivated within, even if we don’t look gorgeous outside, people would still like us ad chase after us. They won’t leave even when they’re asked to. If we are not well, cultivated within, but just attained a certain standard ..(more)
Two months later you will feel more of this freedom. The energy will be more obvious to you and other people. But of course it’s not complete 100 percent, only completely enlightened persons or at least the Fifth Level ones will feel the difference, bigger, stronger. ..(more)
The inner light is the true light, and the outer area’s light it the normal worldly light, on this side. The inner light protects that path, that tunnel. If not for that protection, the tunnel will be destroyed, then this world can’t connect to the higher world. The ..(more)
Our association members shared their spiritual experiences about Master’s arts. One saw that the Longevity Lamps designed by Master are actually came from the sacred Dragon Flower Assembly. Another found out that each Celestial Jewelry is a key to different Heaven ..(more)
聖愛佳節 歡慶清海日
Joyfully Celebrating the Supreme Master Ching Hai Day in Divine Love
Oct. 22, 2017
Mừng Ngày Thanh Hải Vô Thượng Sư
Trong Tình Thương Thiêng Liêng
Ngày 22 tháng 10 năm ..(more)
You should only pray for your spiritual progress. And for your ancestors to be elevated, to be born in the high realms. We should practice spiritually, to make up for our mistakes and to earn more merits. To save our soul. It doesn’t matter if we die because we will ..(more)
I said they should print out copy of all the things that I instructed, or corrected, so that they can learn how I’m doing things. Everybody should know that. Because it seemed logical before, why should I even bother to correct? It’s a similar fashion but different ..(more)