This video/audio is once again filled with Supreme Master Ching Hai's love and humour as she leads the initiates into discussions about universal communication and vegetarian ingredients in food. Master also instructs us to "follow the teachings in our head, the logic" ..(more)
Even if we are not together, physically, we're always together in noble purposes. I trust you do the same at home, no? Helping, right? Helping others in any way we can, spiritually and materially, right?
You have to sit with no motive, except to pray for God's ..(more)
In a joyous and relaxing atmosphere, Master met with fellow practitioners in Florida Center during Master's birthday celebration in May, 2002. Master eloquently spoke about the different races of people by using examples of various desserts. She then related stories ..(more)
Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture:
"…Au Lac is a good name indeed.'Au Co Lac Nghiep.' Au Co (the fairy) and Lac Long Quan (the dragon) are our ancestors. It means we are the children of the fairy and the dragon. …Au Lac is an ideal name to remind us of ..(more)
Animals can teach us a lot. They are very intelligent beings with highly developed emotion, intellect and spirit. They are simple and humble, so we need to be more sensitive to understand their emotional, mental and spiritual needs.
Animals understand us and every ..(more)
Did you know that within the universe there are innumerable undeveloped souls waiting to be incarnated as humans? Yet, in recent times people have resorted to using contraceptive measures, thus obstructing these souls from coming to clear their karma, and subsequently ..(more)
In the past many Great Masters have written poetry to share their experiences with the Divine so as to awaken and inspire readers to seek for their own inner wisdom.
One of these Masters was Rumi, a great mystic of Islam, once on earth about 1700 years ago. Like the ..(more)
Supreme Master Ching Hai and association members dressed up grandly to attend and celebrate 2007 Chinese Lunar New Year with disciples from around the world at Hsihu, Formosa. She encouraged everyone, saying “So peace must be, because in peace we can rebuild countries; ..(more)
Casual conversations revealed the bits and pieces of selflessness of Supreme Master Ching Hai. Her daily meals consist of brown rice, mung beans and sesame only, so she can dedicate all her time and energy for the well-being of sentient beings. Her life is the great ..(more)
During this gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals five leading countries with the highest Noble Quality (NQ), explaining that NQ is a kind of inherent, natural expression. People who are noble by nature have a firm belief in God, and they remind each other of ..(more)
Excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lecture:
“Animals are the helpers, friends and protectors of humans. They come with gifts, unconditionally, and bring great benefit to humans, regardless of whether we feel thankful or even know about it...
Animals are ..(more)
In this loving lecture given on Ching Hai’s Day, the Supreme Master Ching Hai expounded the benefits of meditation in daily life. Meditation not only helps you, but also everyone around you – in your area, village, town, city, and much farther! Meditation generates ..(more)
Many centuries ago, a great and saintly Quan Yin practitioner from Persia known as Rumi helped to enlighten people throughout the ages with his devotional poetry. He speaks of a love beyond this physical existence; it awaits us, whenever we reflect inwardly in ..(more)
During the 2007 Christmas gathering, initiates passionately reported various snippets of good news from around the world. After seeing the incredible pace of many countries’ development, Supreme Master Ching Hai happily expressed, “The world is getting better and ..(more)
The ancient order of the Essenes originating around 300 B.C. was a sacred brotherhood which practiced the Quan Yin Method for enlightenment. The remarkable similarities between the Essenes and the modern-day Quan Yin family are fascinating. The lineage of light and ..(more)