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Where does black magic come from? It comes from our complex mind, bad intentions, and bad thoughts. Originally there was no black or white, but since our thoughts haven’t changed, the power changes to black; if our thoughts change, it will become white. If we train ..(more)
00294-1 The Journey of a Truth Seeker (Silent Tears)
Silent Tears, written by Master Ching Hai, vividly describes the heartfelt, sincere voice of a truth seeker. Through the first-person accounts, readers may experience the perfect journey of a truth seeker in ..(more)
00294-2 Recognize Our Inner Almighty Power 
Earth Store Bodhisattva once manifested into a human being when he was in this world, at that time, his power existed in this world, so those who heard of his name could be born into ..(more)
When Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, Lao Tzu and Confucius lived in the world, even though many people did not like them and attacked them, they still talked about the Truth. Truth can never be diminished. The Truth they spoke of is still well-known today and has ..(more)
Why do Buddhas and Bodhisattvas come to this samsara world without encouraging us to pray for worldly blessings? Will it bring immense merit if we make offerings, build temples and print sutras? Supreme Master Ching Hai explains that immense merits are only immense in ..(more)
Our souls are originally peaceful. When the soul is peaceful, we can see the Light and hear the Sound, which means that our soul is free and has left this body; our mind and body are not controlling our soul and we are liberated from the physical world. This is what ..(more)
00318 Practicing Buddha's Method Will Make You a Buddha
Highlights: There are eighty-four thousand types of practicing methods, but why did Sakyamuni Buddha keep emphasizing that we can only be liberated and attain bBuddhahood through practicing Guan Yin Method? ..(more)
00370 Worshipping Buddha is Worshipping One's True Self
Why do all the fellow initiates who practice the Quan Yin Method have (inner or outer) experiences? Master answered a series of questions. Fellow initiates talked about their miraculous ..(more)
00371-1 The Ordinary Mind is the Tao
Fellow initiates shared their inner experiences Some people saw the stars, the Moon. Some heard the sound of the bell. They asked Master how they could go higher? Is it good or bad to experience strong vibration during ..(more)
00371-2 Observing the Precepts is Necessary in Spiritual Cultivation
It is not easy to make progress in our spiritual practice without keeping the precepts strictly. How is our practice different from those that allow so-called freedom and do not demand people to keep precepts? Some people have inner visions while working. Should they ..(more)
00372 The Origins of Superstitions and Idol Worship
Were the inner visions that some of the fellow initiates told Master real or illusions? It’s said that there is only a thin curtain standing between Buddha and sentient beings. What does that curtain represent? Why is it said that there is originally no karma? Why ..(more)
00375 Questions and Answers between Master and Disciples
Highlights Supreme Master Ching Hai patiently answers all kinds of questions from the disciples’ hearts. Some disciples can’t stop feeling upset because their family is strongly against ..(more)
00376 The Magical Power of Controlling the Weather
Highlights: What’s the difference between the magical power, which can summon the wind and rain and the Quan Yin Method? Supreme Master Qing Hai points out that there are many methods for spiritual ..(more)
00377 Keep Yourself Pure to Receive Master's Blessings
What is the true offering? Why can a true spiritual practitioner benefit a thousand people and feed a hundred people without doing anything? What’s the ..(more)
00402-1 Spiritual Practitioners Should Be Independent
When we have a chance to be independent, we will know what ability and wit we have to make quick and decisive decisions. Otherwise, our wisdom will go moldy and become useless. So any hardships, , uncomfortable or undesirable situation is the best situation for ..(more)